Thursday, May 23, 2019

Park internet gambling Essay

Chapter IVSub problem 1 What is the main reason of IT students to encrypt dramatic play through the use of computer games? Reasons Male(n= 58) % Female(n=42) % Totaln= degree centigrade % target Lack of cash 15 26% 13 31% 28 28% 8To block up love problems 14 24% 10 24% 24 24% 10 For Enjoyment 43 74% 33 79% 76 76% 2To earn extra income 14 24% 9 21% 23 23% 11 Addiction in Playing 33 57% 25 60% 58 58% 3 Lack of love from family 1 .98% 7 17% 8 8% 12 Peer Pressure 23 40% 14 33% 37 37% 7Past Time 49 85% 38 90% 87 87% 1To avoid boredom 29 50% 14 33% 43 43% 5To socialise & meet new friends 16 28% 11 26% 27 27% 9 Hobby 28 48% 23 55% 51 51% 4Stress Reliever 23 40% 16 38% 39 39% 6Out of 42 female respondents, majority of them says that they are playing computer games and entering gambling for past time and the to the lowest degree reason that they have chosen is also the same as the male respondents answered, insufficiency of love from family maybe because its not a big take away f or them to compensate family issues.POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINESRank 1= Past Time Rank 10= To Forget Love ProblemsRank 2= Enjoyment Rank 11= to earn extra incomeRank 3= Addiction in Playing Rank 12= Lack of love from FamilyRank 4= HobbyRank 5= to avoid BoredomRank 6= Stress RelieverRank 7= Peer PressureRank 8= Lack of MoneyRank 9= To SocializeSUMMARY OF FINDINGSThe purpose of this get wind is to go to bed the reasons of the I.T Students why their used to gamble using computer games. We conducted a survey to know their reasons. We gathitherd some information to our classmates who used to gamble using computer games. The questionnaire was spread in all I.T Students of Institute Technology. We made 100 copies of questionnaire for us to approximate their own reasons. We also gave them 15 questions to choose 5 main of their reasons to enter this kind of gamble.BIBLIOGRAPHYhttp// matter_Gambling_Impact_Stu dy_Commission_ActPOLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINESPolytechnic University of the PhilippinesInstitute of TechnologySta. Mesa Manila near IT StudentsThis survey was conducted to determine the Reason of IT students to enter the gambling through the use of Computer Games.Truly yours,Students of ICMTName __________________________________ Course______________________ School _______________________________________________________________________Topic Reasons of the IT Students to enter gambling through the use of Computer Games. DirectionsChoose 5 specific problems why IT Students enter gambling through the use of computer games.( ) Because Lack of Money( ) To forget Love Problems( ) For Enjoyment( ) To earn extra income( ) Addiction in Playing( ) Lack of love from Family( ) Peer Pressure( ) Past Time( ) To avoid boredom( ) To Socialize & meet new friends( ) Hobby( ) Stress RelieverHypothesisThere are differences on the respondents of the I.T Students in Institute of Technology be tween their answers in the survey that we provided. In reasons of the I.T Students to enter gambling through the use of the computer games (Lack of Money), (To forget love problems), (For Enjoyment) (To earn extra income), (Addiction in playing), (Lack of love from family), (Peer Pressure) (Past time), (To avoid boredom), (To Socialize and meet new friends), (Hobby) and (Stress Reliever).Scope and Limitation of the student This study covered the reasons of the I.T Students to enter gambling through the use of Computer Games. There are weaknesses and limitations associated with the study. locomote to improve the reliability of self-report include the assurance of anonymity. Although the participants were encouraged to answer honestly and reminded that their responses would be anonymous, they may not have been entirely honest in their self- inform gambling behaviors and may have intentionally or unintentionally given false information about the variables under study.POLYTECHNIC UNIV ERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINESThis study sought the reasons of the I.T Students to enter the gambling through the use of computer games. Specifically, this research determined each reason of the students.IT students would benefit from this research because they can manage more efficiently and decrease the time that they wasting for the computer games. A lack of exposure may also mean the I.T students are less aware of the Potential risks associated with gambling. A lack of experience is also likely to mean the students are less familiar with strategies for selfregulating gambling such as taking a suffice amount of money to venues and mixing gambling with other forms of entertainment.POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINESOut of 58 male respondents, majority of them says that they are playing computer games and entering gambling for past time and the least reason that they have chosen is lack of love from family maybe because its not a big deal for them to handle family issues.Out of 42 female respondents, majority of them says that they are playing computer games and entering gambling for past time and the least reason that they have chosen is also the same as the male respondents answered, lack of love from family maybe because its not a big deal for them to handle family issues.POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES abroad StudiesMark D Griffiths and Jonathan ParkInternet gambling is a relatively under-researched area. While our current knowledge remains in its infancy and the prevalence judge are relatively low, researchers and cliniciansare predicting greater involvement among youth. A comprehensive search of the relevant literature was undertaken. The resulting relevant literature was classified into four areas.These were (a) the empirical studies on adolescent internet gambling, (b) online gambling-like experiences in adolescence, (c) adolescent gambling via social networking sites, and (d) adolescent gambling via online penny auction sites. Age verif ication in relation to legal profession and regulation is also examined. It is concluded that young people appear to be very proficient in using and accessing new media and are likely to be increasingly exposed to remote gambling opportunities. These young people will therefore require education and guidance to enable them to cope with the challenges of convenience gambling in all its guises.POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINESLocal StudiesThe National Gambling Impact Study Commission Act of 1996 (Public, 110 Stat. 1482, enacted August 3, 1996) is an Act of Congress that was write into law by President of the United States Bill Clinton. This legislation established the National Gambling Impact Study Commission in 1997 to conduct a comprehensive legal and factual study of the social and economic impacts of gambling in the United States on (1)Federal, State, local, and Native American tribal governments and (2) communities and social institutions generally, including individual s, families, and businesses inside such communities and institutions. Mandates a report to the President, the Congress, State Governors, and Native American tribal governments. Requires the Commission to contract with the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations and the United States National Research Council for assistance with the study. Authorizes appropriations.Specifically the commission was to look at the following 1. existing policies and practices concerning the legalization of prohibition of gambling 2. the relationship between gambling and offense 3. the nature and impact of pathological and problem gambling 4. the impacts of gambling on individuals, communities, and the economy, including depressed economic areas 5. the extent to which gambling tax had benefited various governments and whether alternative revenue sources existed 6. the effects of technology, including the Internet on gambling The study lasted two years, and in 1999 the commission released it fi nal report. There was a separate section on Indian gaming provided.2POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINESStatement of the problemMoreover, there has been little research documenting whether general gaming education has any effect on students gambling attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions. Hence, there remains a void for studies related to these factors. College administrators and student affairs professionals have been criticized for the lack of attention and recognition of the gambling issue on campuses. A study by Shaffer, et al (2005) revealed that although gambling is commonplace on college campuses, only 22 percent of 119 schools studied had adopted any type of gambling policy.

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