Saturday, April 27, 2019

World View Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

World View - Essay ExampleCulture is sort of a flexible and fragile phenomenon, a feature which gives it extensive dynamism. Therefore, it changes substantially and can be easily lost because it only exists in the minds of people. Culture determines many aspects of the lives of people. It has a strong influence on government, formal language, architecture, and a host of other products of human creativity (ONeil, 1 4). Human culture occurs in triple levels. The first one is the collection of cultural traditions that are unique to a ships company. An example of this is Japanese culture. The befriend level of culture is a subculture. In societies composed of groups of people who have come from a recite of different parts of the world, individuals usually retain their culture, which distinguishes them from the rest of society. The third level of culture is cultural universals, which consists of behavioural patterns that people learn and collectively share all over the world. Exa mples of cultural traits characteristic of cultural universals are the use of sex and age to classify individuals within the society, and the division of labor on a gender basis (ONeil, 4 7). Mythology Mythology is a body of fables possessed by a particular society. A myth is a narrative of a sacred nature that provides an explanation as to why the humankind or the world transformed to become as it is now. Myths usually contain supernatural characters and religious leaders of the society usually endorse them. Myths are part of the culture of a society and, therefore, play a determinant role in shaping that societys behavioral patterns. This is especially because they substantially influence a societys religious beliefs.

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